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The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-


70cc twin V2
Anyone want to see what electrical roasted slick looks like?


I wonder if anyone runs the Kontronik ESC (probably best ESC manufacture around) in airplanes, it also has a very reliable 15amp BEC; and I would feel safe without a separate battery for the servos on 7x" planes.

I know they are a lot more expensive than Castle, but I have never heard of one catching on fire; and they have a very smooth throttle response, and a governor ;).


Castle 80HV= $160

Kontronik 80HV+ = $400
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Nebwake, may I ask what that beautiful piece of iron in your avatar is? Looks like an AR50, but it's hard to judge in the small pic.....


70cc twin V2
It's a suppressed m-110. Basically a tricked out military version of an ar-10. This was an early one that we got back in '07. The can was a gemtec that wouldn't hold a group to save its life. They have improved a bit since then and are now starting to replace the m24's.


Sweet. The angle made the bore look bigger than a 7.62. I'm assuming a Nightforce scope on top? I have a Howa .308 Win bolt gun, with Millet TRS2 glass. I've had pretty good performance out of the scope, but I'm just waiting for it to fall apart one of these days, LOL. Back when I shot regularly, it was good enough for melon-sized groups at 850 yards. These days, I'd be lucky to cut paper at that range. :eek: