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The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-


3DRCF Regional Ambassador
Pop the ball in and out a few times. It stretches the plastic just a bit and helps loosen it up.

Thanks, did that. I also put a little oil in there as quadracer suggested. They move pretty well now. Centering is improved but still not perfect. Maybe they will work better with some air resistance on them... I'm rdy to fly this bird and see what happens ;)


70cc twin V2
This is starting to concern me. :( I paid for the 8FG two days ago. I was never told if the payment was even received, or if it'll ship out any time soon. I never got a PM back since I paid. He hasn't even been online since :confused: Hmmm...

I got my FrSky FASST 6ch receivers in the mail, they look great!




This is starting to concern me. :( I paid for the 8FG two days ago. I was never told if the payment was even received, or if it'll ship out any time soon. I never got a PM back since I paid. He hasn't even been online since :confused: Hmmm...

I got my FrSky FASST 6ch receivers in the mail, they look great!



Did you buy this from Fred(rotorjockey)? If so don't worry...Fred is a stand up guy and hell do right...I think he might travel for work so give him a little time; I'd be surprised if you didn't hear from him by this weekend.