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The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-


3DRCF Regional Ambassador
I ran into a little snag on my 51 slick build tonight... It appears one of my wings didn't go together perfectly according to plan. It appears my wing tube is about 1/8 inch too long but it is exactly the same length as the one I still have from my last slick. Other than that it is a beautiful bird. Fixing that issue and mounting the cowl are all that stand between me and a maiden flight ;)


3DRCF Regional Ambassador
I'm wondering about my hs85s. They are not centering perfectly on the new slick. I think it is a combination of longer servo arms and new ball-links. Anyone have a tips for getting the new ball links to turn more freely?


A ball link sizing tool would do it, but who has one of those (in the right size) laying around. You might try to drip some 3n1 oil into it and work it in reall good.


I'm wondering about my hs85s. They are not centering perfectly on the new slick. I think it is a combination of longer servo arms and new ball-links. Anyone have a tips for getting the new ball links to turn more freely?

Pop the ball in and out a few times. It stretches the plastic just a bit and helps loosen it up.