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The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-


Did an unintentional experiment the other day. Hypothesis- an EPO Stinger 64mm fun EDF when flown inverted at approx. 90 mph will successfully penetrate a 25' White Pine tree. Results- NOT:veryshocked::facepalm:
However, all pieces retrieved and it may be resurrected as "Stingerzilla"

This was after warning three guest to my field about the "plane eating tree"! Dooo.

PICS or it didn't happen LOL ;)


3DRCF Regional Ambassador
PICS or it didn't happen LOL ;)

I'll have pics of StingerZilla when I finish. I can't reproduce the experiment. Noone was filming. Would have been a great clip. 1/2 Cuban turn around 1/2 roll to inverted (tree comes into view and pilot misjudged depth perception) "poof" sound as plane enters tree intact. Fuselage continues on track and exits other side of tree with nose bent, no wings and battery hanging out! It would be something like that.


Because we are taking the suburban and the camper.
;p. If I knew you wanted to I would have brought you down. Sorry

No problem! Do I want to go? Yes! Do I have time to go? Unfortunately not. Just make sure you take tons of pictures and video and upload it here!


Already told Gary I would! I am gonna take a ton of pics with my phone! I am so excited you don't even know. School felt like a week today!


So a sunnysky 2820 on 4s with a 13/6.5 prop should be ok

Gonna maiden that baby MXS today after work. Dont care if its raining or windy. Shell just get wet and beat up in the wind
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GSN Contributor
So a sunnysky 2820 on 4s with a 13/6.5 prop should be ok?

Yes, it'll last longer. Still won't have the longevity of a motrolfly, but the 13" puts much less stress on the bearings. I'd say check the bearings every 50 flights or so. They're really easy to change out if they start going bad.


3DRCF Regional Ambassador
Yes, it'll last longer. Still won't have the longevity of a motrolfly, but the 13" puts much less stress on the bearings. I'd say check the bearings every 50 flights or so. They're really easy to change out if they start going bad.

Also not a bad idea to put a collar on the back of the shaft. I was really lucky the past 5 or so flights. After a pretty bad crash I thought I had checked everything out on my 48" MXS. It made some strange noises after the repair. I assumed it was from the repairs/ damage. While doing something else on the plane recently I happen to pull on the prop and it came out about an inch! Hmm. Looking at the motor I found that the D ring was just sitting there next to the shaft. I was one burst away from pulling the barrel right off that motor! I drilled out and installed a backup collar on the rear end. No worries now. Lucky this time.