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The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

I hope the Crack Turbo Beaver I have with the quad flaps will be a great ice breaker. It looks like a circle flyer, but it is so much more.

Dr. Gonzo

70cc twin V2
Last summer I scoped out my local club. I came away impressed with the group as a whole. I would say they are about 75% retired guys. Lots of giant scale warbirds. Beautiful planes. There appears to be 2-3 guys into 3d. One guy had a 104' slick and was super cool. I made friends with a few guys and talk with them on facebook. One guy i really took a liking too is a textbook case. He falls into the "club" mentality we seem to have in my neck of the woods. Loves giant scale aerobatics and buys huge older planes. Somehow he finds these a bargain, then dumps to much money in them to get them in the air. Wants only 72" and up. Flies one or two flights on a weekend and loves to hang out (thats all good) and truly loves the hobby. Comments on the amazing skills of 3d pilots and wishes he could improve. Scared to death to fly his "new" Lanier plane from 2001 or so. Never maidens his own plane but can fly a bit. This guy is in his mid to late forties and has all the potential in the world to improve. I have been pushing him to get a West Michigan Parkflyers McFoamy or similar. Almost indestructible, easy to repair and can fly it any time and anywhere. No need to go to the field. I cant get through to him just how much this would help him enjoy his big planes. These guys don't seem to make the connection that flying a foamy every day will develop there skills and confidence very quickly. I also wish I could convince some of these guys that while bigger is better a little smaller and more modern is WAY better. It seems to be too much about the dollar to inch of wingspan ratio. I think I can save him it will take some time.

Dr. Gonzo

70cc twin V2
That is what saved me and got me flying lots with no fear. Nothing like stick time. Even a silly foamy. You learn your limits and how to understand the limits of an airframe. Orientations. I pancaked a molded F5B sailplane back in the day landing with spoilerons. Stopped flying for 9 years! The fear, I understand it. I just know what it feels like to get passed it. It is good!


3DRCF Regional Ambassador
I kinda wish I could change my forum user name to 3DFOG - just to make the point.

Old guys are NOT a lost cause - most just need a little encouragement

When they say quitely "hey, what is 3D anyway?" try this;

"PULL" dont "PUSH"

"Best way to explain it is to show you. let's talk while I burn thru a battery or two"
"Here is what you know and recognize -Here is how that translates into XA - OK, now let's slow it down, balance gravity with thrust and this is how it becomes 3D"

If you convert a couple of them, they will take the venom out the the "3D luddites"

Never forget that we all will be FOGs to someone, someday

PULL don't PUSH (back)


I hear ya and have an 80 year old at our club in a 60" EF Laser. My point was about the irony of prohibiting something they had no knowledge of. I'm closer to "FOG" than I am to "kid" for sure. There has indeed been much "pushing" on forums and in clubs. I am all about getting all disciplines together. Breaking down these rumor and uninformed barriers is a crusade of mine. It's a diverse hobby why can't we enjoy the diversity rather than using it as an excuse to build walls?
The elder statesmen of the clubs should be setting examples of welcoming new comers and visitors and being open to new ideas.
Fortunately the tide is shifting. At an IMAC judging seminar recently I actually heard the phrase 3D mentioned openly several times with not one grumble! Woohoo! Progress.


3DRCF Regional Ambassador
Last summer I scoped out my local club. I came away impressed with the group as a whole. I would say they are about 75% retired guys. Lots of giant scale warbirds. Beautiful planes. There appears to be 2-3 guys into 3d. One guy had a 104' slick and was super cool. I made friends with a few guys and talk with them on facebook. One guy i really took a liking too is a textbook case. He falls into the "club" mentality we seem to have in my neck of the woods. Loves giant scale aerobatics and buys huge older planes. Somehow he finds these a bargain, then dumps to much money in them to get them in the air. Wants only 72" and up. Flies one or two flights on a weekend and loves to hang out (thats all good) and truly loves the hobby. Comments on the amazing skills of 3d pilots and wishes he could improve. Scared to death to fly his "new" Lanier plane from 2001 or so. Never maidens his own plane but can fly a bit. This guy is in his mid to late forties and has all the potential in the world to improve. I have been pushing him to get a West Michigan Parkflyers McFoamy or similar. Almost indestructible, easy to repair and can fly it any time and anywhere. No need to go to the field. I cant get through to him just how much this would help him enjoy his big planes. These guys don't seem to make the connection that flying a foamy every day will develop there skills and confidence very quickly. I also wish I could convince some of these guys that while bigger is better a little smaller and more modern is WAY better. It seems to be too much about the dollar to inch of wingspan ratio. I think I can save him it will take some time.

Keep at it. If you can, tune down a "newer" plane (post circa 2001!!!) and give them a pull. The look of amazement on the face of an otherwise intimidated pilot flying around a brite and shiny "crazy" 3 D airplane with those funny SFG thingys on it is priceless. "Hey this flies easy". No sh** Sherlock! You think we're all idiots who want to work at "flying" the plane? We save the "work" for all those maneuvers. The airplane is designed better, setup, yes I said setup (not thrown together and trimmed once) correctly so that it flies great. The radio is setup for the chosen flying style using DR and expo as a tool not a crutch!
So, give em a pull on low rates and let them see how easy a properly setup plane flies. In a word "epiphany". They may see the value in trading a few inches in for better design. A lead sled is a lead sled no matter how cheap you got it or what the wingspan is.