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The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-


70cc twin V2
It's exciting to watch your own son fly 3D but even more exciting when Dad can fly along with him, not that I mean to sound like I'm tooting my horn so to speak or that I'm good at it but none the less, this hobby is the greatest!


3DRCF Regional Ambassador
It's exciting to watch your own son fly 3D but even more exciting when Dad can fly along with him, not that I mean to sound like I'm tooting my horn so to speak or that I'm good at it but none the less, this hobby is the greatest!

Now that's awesomeness right there. My daughter is 7 1/2 and just dabbling. I don't want to push too hard.


3DRCF Regional Ambassador
And now for something completely different....


*Caution* golf, by its very nature includes inherent risks. The player and or rider of a cart holds no claim on any damages, injuries or misfortunes caused on any golf course property or vehicles. No animals were injured in the making of this video. Hahaha


70cc twin V2
1:26 - Nice tail slide in a golf cart

2:30 - Failure to check CG before launch (of golf cart) result in a high AOA stall then a spin to the ground


640cc Uber Pimp
Did a hike with my family over the weekend. Went to Blue Pool and some hot springs to relax afterwards! Enjoy the pics!

photo 1 (3).JPGphoto 4 (2).JPGphoto 3 (3).JPGphoto 2 (3).JPG

Buick Mackane

70cc twin V2
*Caution* golf, by its very nature includes inherent risks. The player and or rider of a cart holds no claim on any damages, injuries or misfortunes caused on any golf course property or vehicles. No animals were injured in the making of this video. Hahaha

Bwaaaaaaaah haaaaah haaah hah ahhh... my stomach hurts! I think I peed a little. thanks dth7. Letterman approved "Stupid Human Tricks".
Only the human animals were hurt in the making of that video. I wonder how many onlookers quipped, "it's hard to look smooth after that"