Hello guys,
Shifting gears here for a minute, please humor me. Looking for Forum feedback.
Background- Here in the Northeast we have many smallish ("tribes", as [MENTION=271]Enterprise[/MENTION] accurately describes them) clubs made up of memberships of 30-80 +/-, dues from $50-100 plus AMA and initiation fees with varying degrees of restrictions (size, sound, access, etc) and some even prohibiting certain disciplines? (still trying to wrap my head around that!). A trend is developing among some enthusiasts to join multiple clubs to have places to fly different types and disciplines without restrictions. Some are members at as many as 7 clubs! Average visits to additional clubs- 4-6 per season.
Proposal- "Coop membership". Basics- Prove "full" membership (voting rights, good standing) at "Home club" with a letter from an officer to a reciprocal coop club (pre arranged yearly agreements). The coop clubs agree on a fee to charge (our club suggests $25) coop members who will not have voting rights but will (after that clubs vetting process), if accepted have flying privileges. The club gains revenue from an otherwise "visitor or guest" as well as another enthusiastic member who hopefully will share any knowledge, instruction, etc. with your members. This would include cross utilization of instructors at all levels when schedules, abilities, equipment restrict a person from progressing. The pilot gains flying access without the "guest" restriction of an escort. So far we have been receiving pretty good feedback. What do you think?
I was motivated to bring this up after seeing, through the forum what kind of facilities and activity some of you enjoy throughout the country. Our members, most of whom are not on the forums, do not attend events and have trouble understanding different club philosophies, facilities, dues structure, etc. have difficulty understanding the benefit of collaboration and some stick to isolationism instead. By pooling our resources I felt that we could experience some of the benefits of those large clubs with fantastic facilities that I see and read about and get to experience only on the sim!
Let me know what you think. Gary, you may want to move this to a separate thread- moderate at will!
Thanks all.
