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The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-


70cc twin V2
I've hit a bird twice.

One I flew into, I didn't even notice until I landed and found feathers embedded in my stabs.

The other attacked my plane.

A few weeks ago, my friend [MENTION=1235]Zach-Attack[/MENTION] mid-aired a hawk. The birds wing ripped off and got stuck in the leading edge of his left wing on his QQ composite yak. Picture bellow.

Damm, that would close a flying field in California in a heartbeat, I hit a rabbit once when I lost control and crashed


70cc twin V2
Someone last week hit me almost full throttle in the kidney last weekend with a big flying wing. Then he offered to take me out for drinks LOL. I was not on the field...


GSN Contributor
Someone last week hit me almost full throttle in the kidney last weekend with a big flying wing. Then he offered to take me out for drinks LOL. I was not on the field...

A guy I was flying with in Vegas got hit in the kidney by a 40" foamy. Bruise/pain hung around a while so he went to the doc.
Turns out he had an undiagnosed autoimmune disorder, and started treatment right away....
Crazy that getting hit by plane may have added a few more years onto his life.