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640cc Uber Pimp
He also has them in red which would match your plane nicely!



I've seen those, one problem is there is not much room in there. There is two wing bolts per wing and it is all I can do to get my fingers with a bolt in there. How thick is the nut part that you use to attach to the stud? I have not seen those in person to really tell so thats why I havent ordered those yet.


Ok that blue and white Bi-Plane is a.......... Starduster from the 1979 RCM magazine with an original Supertigre 60 round head with an old flow through muffler and a plug in the end......


Just noticed your signature lol Ill bet you have some good times...... I run a ton of Hitec servos........ love the newer ones!! My older ones are getting to show their age.... plastic gears breaking ect.... I gotta say I enjoy what I do too!! lol