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The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-


i dont think they look the same, skywings and 3dhs epps. other than maybe both have a balsa structure and a epp skin..... that would be like saying EF and 3dhs are replica because they have a balsa structure with a monocote, oracote, etc.
Honestly I'm confused about the HK issue and why it causes such turmoil here. As has been described a few times, it's one of the main things that prompted creating this site. It seems a bit odd to me that this site takes such a clear position on copying practices of HK but other copying is seemingly ok. For example the EME 60 is well promoted here and is just as obviously a copy of a DA60 all the way down to having a red reed block spacer. The Skywing plane schemes and construction bear striking similiarities to well known ARF brands here in the US.

Can the owners/moderators of this site better explain the criteria used to determine whether Chinese brand copying gets the support of this site or not? Just curious!

I have an EME 35. Pretty sure it's not a DA copy ;)

Regarding Skywing... you realize that they came first, right?
As of late 2011... they manufacture planes that are sold, here in the states, exclusively by 3DHS. (With what I assume are copious amounts of 3DHS design input of course)
They do still sell their own brand elsewhere. Of course they're similar to their offspring ;)

I'm sure there are subtle differences but the overall question still remains. Apparent copying in China is very common and I'm just wondering why sometimes it's ok and other times it's not. Seriously...are we to say the EME60 was thought up all by itself? Look at the pictures of the 60cc engine:


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70cc twin V2
not arguing and dont plan to. Just sayin, my point is alot of these planes come from the same manufacturer branded for different companies. That is all
Myself, I choose to continue to buy my toys from EF and 3DHS.....personal preference
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GSN Contributor
Frank, our thoughts on HK are clear and consistent, and have been since day 1. And since you've been on this site nealry since inception, I'm not sure where you are confused? With HK, it's not JUST the copying, but also the lack of customer support, the lies in their product promotion, color scheme and slogan theft, etc... the list goes on.

Trying to liken Skywing to HK is futile. Skywing designs and tests their own planes to the best of my knowledge, and doesn't copy original RC schemes to steal market share. Also, I think they were among the first to make EPP covered full fuse planes. I'm not positive, but I think I read on RCG a while back that 3dhs was once the US distributor for SkyWing, but I'm not positive. Either way, the ones 3dhs sells are not full fuse.

EME isn't the first to make a 60cc, and won't be the last. My understanding is they are different from DA, and I haven't heard that they are making a 1 for 1 copy of a DA product. If they are, we won't support that.

Thanks for your concerns though. I hope to see you post here more frequently, you have some great RC knowledge to share.
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Just Do It
Regarding the EME 60 Frankie I am with you and it's very clear. If HK came out with that motor there would be everyone over it too.
Agree....I don't think the copying is the issue. I don't have strong feelings either way about the copy debate. I know I wouldn't personally cite copying and stealing schemes, as has been said here, as my reason to not buy from HK. None of the copies are 1 for 1 copies but they are still copies. That Viper has a number of differences from the 3DHS plane just like the EME differences. And Skywing absolutely copies schemes too. Again not 1 for 1. So my takeaway from here is copying is ok as long as its not HK.


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GSN Contributor

I think we've sufficiently and honestly answered your original question... We don't condone copying in RC, whether it is generally accepted or not. We don't feel the Skywing and the EME60 are examples of copyright infringment or data theft.


I personally confirmed with EF on 1/16/2013 regarding the Skywing airplane pictured above, and he confirmed that it wasn't a stolen copy of an original EF scheme. (comments paraphrased)

I hope everyone enjoys the new snappier servers we're on now, the site seems like its much faster now!
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