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Discussion The I’m Going/Went Flying Thread


GSN Sponsor Tier 1
When going from the 14to the 18, do you need to build the model again or can you transfer the model?

Direct transfer. I noticed a slight difference in idling speeds beyond the trim switch so easily found the servo adjustments and bumped up the idle.


Yesterday was a good day flying. Met a couple buddys at the field with my daughter and we got her flying for the first time. 100" Avistar running a T-motor AM670 combo that's been performing amazingly. She was happy after two flights but that didn't stop the fun. She did really well too. only let her control the ailerons and elevator but by the end of the second flight I could tell her make a left turn and she could properly apply left aileron and pull back on the stick some. Also got some stick time in on my buddies brand new EF 69" Turbo raven and four flights on my 52" Pantera. Little girl loved watching it fly because it was fast.


640cc Uber Pimp
Well, I think life has come back to me a little. Started getting the urge to fly a little so last week I threw a foamy up in the back yard, it felt good. I had found a farmer that had said I could fly on a hay field of his no longer in service. So, Monday I went and mowed a runway, Tuesday I put the Cub up and I really enjoyed it. So, I have spent the last two days going over the rest of the planes getting them operational. I am not ready to go back to building again but who knows what tomorrow will bring.


640cc Uber Pimp
Yesterday was a good day flying. Met a couple buddys at the field with my daughter and we got her flying for the first time. 100" Avistar running a T-motor AM670 combo that's been performing amazingly. She was happy after two flights but that didn't stop the fun. She did really well too. only let her control the ailerons and elevator but by the end of the second flight I could tell her make a left turn and she could properly apply left aileron and pull back on the stick some. Also got some stick time in on my buddies brand new EF 69" Turbo raven and four flights on my 52" Pantera. Little girl loved watching it fly because it was fast.
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Absolutely great boy does that bring back some found memories when my 2 Daughters went to the field with me. Built the 2 girls each their own plane. I enjoyed it while it lasted.


640cc Uber Pimp
Well, I think life has come back to me a little. Started getting the urge to fly a little so last week I threw a foamy up in the back yard, it felt good. I had found a farmer that had said I could fly on a hay field of his no longer in service. So, Monday I went and mowed a runway, Tuesday I put the Cub up and I really enjoyed it. So, I have spent the last two days going over the rest of the planes getting them operational. I am not ready to go back to building again but who knows what tomorrow will bring.
Well nice hear from you and welcome back. Just take it A step at a time. 👍


Absolutely great boy does that bring back some found memories when my 2 Daughters went to the field with me. Built the 2 girls each their own plane. I enjoyed it while it lasted.
Yeah she loves it currently. Her and the foster girl we have in our home love going to the field. Mostly I think they just like being outside and being able to talk to the other people at the field.


640cc Uber Pimp
Yeah she loves it currently. Her and the foster girl we have in our home love going to the field. Mostly I think they just like being outside and being able to talk to the other people at the field.

It ended at about 12 years old still liked it but other things become more interesting to them. Been trying to get my grandson interested he in to baseball and nothing else interests him.


Took both girls to the field yesterday for a few hours. Brought my EF Pantera, SW 48" Edge Hybrid, and the PT40 trainer I redid. Emma did part of a flight on the trainer but was otherwise more interested in talking to everyone there as it was a good turnout. So I mustered up 4 flights on the Pantera and 3 on each of the others. THe night prior I still had some of my larger 6S packs fully charged that I didnt plan to use so I used them to run the charger while charging the 4S packs for the trainer and Edge. Good times were had and memories were made.


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