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The I'm going out flying thread 2016


I like 'em "BIG"!
Goin' flyin'!


I like 'em "BIG"!
I have seen his vids and yes he can! Makes me feel worthless at the sticks.:steamer:.
I don't feel worthless....It just makes me all that much more determined to keep practicing. Will I ever be half as good as him? YEAH....NOT!!! A guy can dream right? LOL

I put three awesome flights on the Sukhoi today. That thing is an absolute animal. I may have to swap out the GP 176 for a lesser horsepower motor. On the upside? All that practicing on Real Flight 7.5 gave me the confidence to "FINALLY" do a rolling circle for reals. What a kick in the pants it was to see "ME" doing it. LOL
Weather has been beautiful and in the 80's! Still not able to take advantage for I beez working on the "house" instead of planes.

Just finished a custom pedestal sink for the bath room. But the sunset today was picture perfect.
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@49dimes we must be related somehow. My Mom is from LA (Lower Alabama for the unwashed). Clanton and Cato blood. But then again being a southern country boy I suspect we all "be cousins" somehow.:laughing:
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