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The I'm going out flying thread 2016


Well I went out alone today, which by the way seems to be when I progress the best as Ill try the same move over and over and then over again with out looking like the dummy that is flopping around in the air. Well any way I have had a few issues with the plane I was taking to Nall and decided to make friends with @ChickenBalls slick to be and just fly it, I got it dialed in to my liking and had way to many amazing pop tops, I took the canopy off after the 4th flight cuz my ignition light started to flicker and i was worried about a loose connection, Well its a good thing that happened as I found a missing battery that i ended up finding at the far aft end of the plane lol no wonder I kept dropping the tail on that last landing.


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I LOVE showing up at the field and the FOGS are all sitting around because it's, "too windy to fly" so I pull out my T-28 and do some backwards landings! LOL too much fun!

I always get at least two, "you can't fly THAT in THIS wind" comments!

I really like pushing the limits and showing what these planes can really do in heavy cross winds. Wish more people would go out and learn what the left stick is suppose to do.... I think many people skip that in training and it shows when it is a windy cross wind day! I swear I can't park my airplane in the pits because someone doesn't know what rudder is used for and the plane takes off heading towards the pits....

Luckily at my club we don't have issues with these type of people complaining about 3D flying. They actually love it. I try my best to go out of my way to help the guys that have some issues taking off and landing their planes, because I hate seeing crashed planes no matter who is flying it.


I like 'em "BIG"!
Left stick? It goes left and right too? Wow... who'd have thunk? Hee hee... I too was one of those "right" stick flyers for many years. Once take off was complete, I totally forgot that the left stick existed. Other than to land. Now days I think I rely as heavily on the left as I do the right. Oh sure, loops and rolls and are all well and good. But hey, lets put in a little rudder and see what she does!!! Hold on to your butts. LOL


70cc twin V2
We have quite a few people at our field that you could just replace the left stick with an on/off switch! You can put money on whatever the plane is doing except taxiing and maybe landing will be done at full maxed out screaming throttle! Have to admit, it makes watching maiden and trim flights fun, plus there is never much to pick up when they lose orientation! :laughing: