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The I'm going out flying thread 2016


GSN Sponsor Tier 1
It was cloudy and cool here today, probably low 60's as the high. Bit wet in the morning with some light winds.

Finally flew for the first time in over a month since my Yak crash!! Just the foamy to futz with. Too bad I stripped my elevator servo in flight, and only inches off the deck so I couldn't push up!! :eek::laughing:

New motor coming for my 70" Aerobeez Slick PRO this week so at least I'll have a 'giant' to play with again :yesss:
Out flying with some buddys in Alabama. Good turn out.


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I like 'em "BIG"!
Well, I had that talk with mother nature. She held off on the rain. But holy cow....did ole' father wind blow today. Mostly 15 to 20 most the day. Ah well, didn't stop my son and I from doing a little wind surfing or playing "hide the plane in the smoke flume". Rather breezy, but fun all the same.

DANG!! I love this hobby. "THIS"....is why I do it!!!!

Got out and flowed today. Felt damn good too! Had my little buddy out with me, along with momma. Spent just about all day in the sun, and I am cooked! Flew my Corvus and E-Jet. Debated on the heli, but decided against it. Then helped my buddy with a new to him 33% GP 330L. Airplane needs some trimming work with incidences. Needed a gang of left aileron trim, along with some up. But the engine needs to most work. 3W 80xi big 1 holer. I'm sure it has an air leak somewhere around the induction system. Hope I can get over to his place and change up a few things, in the fuel system and ignition system. Then hope to get a little weight off the nose. ;)