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The I'm going out flying thread 2016

I have been practicing rolling out of maneuvers with the rudder. I should have input right rudder and not left. It was very hot and humid but I just had to get that LAST flight in. lol" I'm still getting used to the new radio." Nah. Bad judgment on my part.
The fuse front is not worth fixing. Would need everything from F-3 forward. Repair would make it very nose heavy. It is not even worth getting a new fuse ( stabs and wings ok) because it is a very sensitive air frame and very unstable for an EDGE design.
All Electronics and engine A OK. Prop and spinner are shrapnel.
Well the real cost in most birds is the powerplant and electronics. Airframes all have a "expiration date" but I hate thinking in that way. ;)


GSN Sponsor Tier 1
I always just holler radio hit when that crap happens.

Ah, the old radio hit excuse. I remember one guy out on the slope used to always blame everything on his transmitter whenever an airplane went in or landed hard enough to break something, and he used a couple of different transmitters. Every excuse in the book to blame the system, not him. One day he had a beautiful new airplane that was ready to maiden, we are all curious to see if it came back in one piece. He threw it out, and we all watched as it went down into the canyon (our slope hill is almost 2000 ft up) on a gentle glide slope, until it eventually piled in way down below. The whole time the guy was screaming about how he didn't have any control over the airplane, what a pile of garbage (he may have used other 4 letter based words...), stupid transmitter, etc....

He forgot to turn the Tx on....



640cc Uber Pimp
We have a magical interference spot at our field that claims a lot of airplanes. Usually from the same group of guys. I like to fly in that area since those guys usually stay away from there. ;) Never had a glitch. I don't think I've ever had one since switching to 2.4. Of course those guys are flying the same type of radio equipment I am. Maybe mine is just a fluke. Yeah, I'm sure that's what it is. I must have some magical interference free radio gear...... yeah that's what it is..........it has nothing to do with the fact those guys are just hazardous.:)


GSN Sponsor Tier 1
So you are saying there was a loose nut on the transmitter?

Well we know for certain there was a loose nut in front of it :epic:

We have a magical interference spot at our field that claims a lot of airplanes. Usually from the same group of guys. I like to fly in that area since those guys usually stay away from there. ;) Never had a glitch. I don't think I've ever had one since switching to 2.4. Of course those guys are flying the same type of radio equipment I am. Maybe mine is just a fluke. Yeah, I'm sure that's what it is. I must have some magical interference free radio gear...... yeah that's what it is..........it has nothing to do with the fact those guys are just hazardous.:)

Yup, sounds like you got a fluke for sure :eek:


Damn I'm hungry
Truth be known it is always that "desire" to top your last flight that seems to get me in trouble. I was exhausted from working on a friends motor in this stinking heat and I should have just packed it in for the day. Sweat was burning my eyes and this fat boy could not even breath a sigh of relief from all that wet sticky humidity. Ugh! I think I'm done until fall unless some "miracle" day shows up.