Fun weekend, 3 days of flying! Saturday I got voluntold to fly at a local picnic for Hitec, brought out my old reliable Aerobeez 70" Slick Pro and knocked the socks off of everyone there (they don't see much of anyone doing 3D at that club).
Sunday and Monday I had the 107" Yak out to learn some new rolling harrier related stuff.
It may not be 'competition level' but I sure do love flying this Yak!
I was about to start breaking the Yak apart after flying yesterday when I heard in the distance someone shout
'FIRE IN THE HOLE!' 3 times

My club is adjacent to some kind of police training and munitions detonation facility and they happened to be out training yesterday, apparently their training involved detonating some kind of ordinance- not once, but 7 times

It was actually pretty cool. Very loud thunderous explosions full of bass, we don't normally see them down there training let alone setting stuff off (been a member of this club for 14 years now and I've only been present one other time for their detonations).
Glad I was done flying for the day.....