No body flies with gyros. If they have one in the plane the gyro is doing the flying.
Sorry man but I'm going to have to get on my soap box on this one. It's a gyro NOT an autopilot.
Everybody loves to hate on gyros and most have never used a good one, or any at all for that matter. I have a Bavarian Demon Cortex in the Green 30% Edge in my avatar. It doesn't fly the airplane for me, but it does make a 30% size airplane fly like it's much bigger. The airplane is smoother and at the same time can be just as wild as ever. It makes the Edge much more enjoyable to fly. There is nothing that I do with that airplane with the gyro turned on, that I can't do with it off. Does it make me look better flying that airplane? Yes it does. But I can fly my Carf Extra just as good and smooth without a gyro, because it's a much smoother flying airframe to start with.
Everyone hates on gyros, but they all use expo and mixing to make their planes fly better. A gyro is a stabilization device, nothing more. You can't do a slow roll just by giving it a little aileron. Guys at my field actually think that. If you can't do one without a gyro, you can't do one with one either.
Not all of us can get hundreds of flights in a year. Between airplanes and helicopters I only had about 80 total last year. If a piece of technology is going to make my time flying more enjoyable I'm going to use it. I'll get off my soap box now.