got a bit more done after I got home from Flying at the club.
It was a fun time.
I am preparing the stabs for the hard point, that goes on the front end of the stab. This will be for an anti-rotation pin. With the airplane level, you drill from the opposite side, into the stab root, and set the incidence. On this airplane, this will be set to 0.0 degrees.
1st step, insert the stab on one side, and from the other side, use a heated up drill bit tip that is long, and only enter the foam by 1 cm or so. This will give you an idea of where the hard point needs to be.
I am using a wood dowel, about 2 cm deep.
Then, burn the foam into a depression, such that, the wood dowel can be glued into this area.
I proceeded to glue the hard points, as well as the stab tube phenolics and the stab tube balsa supports, using the poly-u glue.
Once this cures, it will be sanded flush, and then I can take a picture for you all to see.