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IMAC The new Dalton 300 SP / 330


70cc twin V2
Dalton's look long in the nose anyway and that single place canopy just makes it look longer. It wasn't a dig on the airplane at all, as it turned out great.

Again, great job Cam and I certainly didn't mean any offense on my long nose comment :)
Dalton's look long in the nose anyway and that single place canopy just makes it look longer. It wasn't a dig on the airplane at all, as it turned out great.

Again, great job Cam and I certainly didn't mean any offense on my long nose comment :)

None taken my friend, I was kidding with you all as well. Had nothing else to do.

There is a certain empty feeling, the moment the build comes to an end!

I did, however, balance the stabs as well today, so, this bad girl is ready for tomorrow.

Tomorrow, I have 5 surgeries to perform, and then I will go to the club. Should be there by 2 to 3 pm.

Right now, I am charging 3 cameras, I want to make sure we capture the maiden on film.

I placed the 300 ML next to the 300 SP, and compared them.

With the canopy on, and neither with the battery packs, I picked each one up, one at a time, by the wing tube holes, and both had same exact attitude.

This tells me, that it should have the same "balance" feel as the 300 ML, which has over 330 flights.

SO I should be in safe zone for CG. I am guessing, she will be slightly nose heavy.
On my airplane, the CG point will be 1 to 1.5 inches aft of the leading edge of the wing tube.

Side by side comparison...

on that 300 ML, it flies slightly nose heavy.

If I do the 45 degree inverted flight test, it stays in the trajectory, however, when I try to do a spin entry, the stall, if there is not much wind, it kind of mushes. This is how I know it is still just ever so slightly nose heavy. Not much!

I have ordered a muffler from Jtec, and I will remove the canisters, and see if that fixes that problem.

I have also ordered a scale from Amazon to see what the weight is on the SP and the ML versions.

You all have a great evening,
