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The 'What did you do in your workshop tonight?' thread


makes sense, would love to build me a 20cc profile one day. how many have you designed/made anyways?? You've talked about making a kit before ya?

Let’s see there is the 40 sized edge profile that is really my buddies design but I had input in it. Aka “the Glitter”

The small Electric edge “glitter JR”

The 55cc “The Big Tiddy” this was before CAD and just on paper at home.

Did a small Electric cub profile “ChubCub” also before cad but plans where scanned into a pdf.

35” UL Cap 232. Based around the wing a buddy did with a slick fuse and I redid the fuse and tail to be a cap.

All of those have been built and flown and videos of all of them are on YouTube.

Then there is the 20cc edge profile. Couple are being built currently but not by me.

I did a 20cc Giles profile. Got burnt out and never finished it so I gave it to a buddy

Started drawing a 35” Electric edge as well but only have the wing done.

Started a 55cc cap 232 design.

Then about 90% done with the full fuse design based off the flitetest simple scout.

Also out there that I did for other people per their specs and all are profiles. 65” span 20cc sukhoi, 44” span Electric sukhoi, 60” Electric edge, 48” Electric edge, 60” Electric laser.
Both those edges are loosely based on the glitter series of edges I did but sizes of surfaces and moments where changed to meet the goals my buddy was after.


640cc Uber Pimp
Curious about your 20cc edge, and after seeing that long list of planes with a little mention of a 60" laser..... how about a 20cc Laser Profile?????? :big_yes:

You have a lot of videos! The glitter looks like a fun bird.


Curious about your 20cc edge, and after seeing that long list of planes with a little mention of a 60" laser..... how about a 20cc Laser Profile?????? :big_yes:

You have a lot of videos! The glitter looks like a fun bird.

I can send you the plans for the 20cc edge if you would like. The 60” laser is one of my buddies designs. He wanted a profile that would be similar to his 60” EF Laser. He drew it all by hand on paper and once he was done sent me the plans so I could then transfer that to a CAD drawing. It could easily be built as a gasser just would need the fuse beefed up some though. Probably could also benifit from printing the plans at around 107% to bring the span up to about 64”. Also if you wanted it to be removable wing it’s something you would have to adapt yourself as his is drawn as a one piece wing.
Here is one of his videos.



What format does it need to be in? I've dabbled in free software for a while trying to find the one that worked best for my 3D printing (.stl files). My criteria was Free, offline, and non-open source. Windows 10 compatible.
Design Spark Mechanical:

Catching up on a few threads this morning...
For those who are looking for CAD software, this is an interesting offer from EAA. Pseudo-free, as in cost is a $40 annual membership, but I suspect some of you here on GSN may already be members.



Damn I'm hungry
Getting close to finishing this thing. Thinking of using 1/4" copper tubing and fittings to make up the scale exhaust. The Aura 8 went in snug between the tail servos. Got it programmed up and ready to fly :). Got the covers on the bottom painted too.



Defender of the Noob!
What format does it need to be in? I've dabbled in free software for a while trying to find the one that worked best for my 3D printing (.stl files). My criteria was Free, offline, and non-open source. Windows 10 compatible.
Design Spark Mechanical:

I found a utility that will enable Autocad R14 to be installed on a Win 10 laptop but I'll look at the other suggestions posted.
