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The 'What did you do in your workshop tonight?' thread


Getting the same result as you both, with ads everywhere, but pushing through it at the moment.

Flying season for the Python 100 has come to an end. Looks like my engine hit TBO. Leak coming through between the propeller flange and the crankcase.

Pulled it off, boxed it up, and sending to DA for service.
Engine was manufactured in January of 2004. I’ve owned it for the past 3 1/2 years and flown maybe 10 gallons in that time. Always super dependable! Since I have no clue of the service history, can’t hurt for the professionals to take a look.


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Crack Turbo Beaver is RTF. Very happy with my first ever twisted hobbies build. Everything fit perfect. Should get a maiden in tomorrow during my lunch break if all goes well. I would try today but i glued the wing on this morning so I want that joint to have a full 24 hours to cure.


Staff member
Crack Turbo Beaver is RTF. Very happy with my first ever twisted hobbies build. Everything fit perfect. Should get a maiden in tomorrow during my lunch break if all goes well. I would try today but i glued the wing on this morning so I want that joint to have a full 24 hours to cure.
View attachment 118832View attachment 118833
That’s going to be a blast. And I bet it won’t be your last Twisted build! Ask me how I know:p


I would assume you posted from an iPhone. Mine will do that if I post directly from my phone. Generally just email them to myself and upload from my computer to prevent it from happening.


640cc Uber Pimp
I would assume you posted from an iPhone. Mine will do that if I post directly from my phone. Generally just email them to myself and upload from my computer to prevent it from happening.
Sure did. I never had this problem before the new update. Is this new to you as well?


Sure did. I never had this problem before the new update. Is this new to you as well?
Not sure if it ever did it here but I know RCG, FG, and the probro site any picture uploaded direct from my iphone without editing will post sideways or inverted. Generally I will just email or text the photos to myself and that resolves it.


Staff member
Not sure if it ever did it here but I know RCG, FG, and the probro site any picture uploaded direct from my iphone without editing will post sideways or inverted. Generally I will just email or text the photos to myself and that resolves it.
I’ve had the same problems before posting from my iPhone. But if I post them from my iPad I don’t have any problems.