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The 'What did you do in your workshop tonight?' thread


640cc Uber Pimp
Not sure if it ever did it here but I know RCG, FG, and the probro site any picture uploaded direct from my iphone without editing will post sideways or inverted. Generally I will just email or text the photos to myself and that resolves it.

I've never had that issue on RCG/FG or here until now. My old 6S and now a 12. hmmmmm


640cc Uber Pimp
This is for sure going to be true. I've been looking hard at the 35" Fokker.

Looks like fun! Hoping Santa bringith me a CrackYakXL ;) Gotta love a flying stab
I've flown JTA/VH/TH foamies, and man it's hard to beat the construction and stiffness of a TH plane. have a MPX FunnyCub ready to build but have been looking at a new company called TA Horizons they have a cub called a "STOL X" that's intriguing.


Looks like fun! Hoping Santa bringith me a CrackYakXL ;) Gotta love a flying stab
I've flown JTA/VH/TH foamies, and man it's hard to beat the construction and stiffness of a TH plane. have a MPX FunnyCub ready to build but have been looking at a new company called TA Horizons they have a cub called a "STOL X" that's intriguing.

Looks neat.


I didn't like all the SFG's just being white foam. Taped them all off and took a black sharpie to them. I feel it cleans it up a lot.


640cc Uber Pimp
Almost got the Ridge Runt wrapped up! Without the battery it's 14oz, It needs about 4.75oz in the nose to balance... ouch. The Original ridge Runt specs are 18-24oz RTF so I will be at just under 19oz RTF Unless I can figure out a way to lighten the tail. Being a T-tail it's already pretty fragile, but I may consider lightening holes... too bad it's already covered.347B0EE7-1544-418A-A702-7BF8C7C30D21.jpeg
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640cc Uber Pimp
Ridge runt is getting closer by the day! Dremeled out the balsa nose and added a custom 4oz fishing weight shaved down to 3.4oz. Opened up the lower portion of the tail with lightening holes.
RTF the ridge runt is at 18.6oz just need to secure the receiver, weight, and battery. She’ll be under 19oz which makes me happy. If I were to build another I’d revisit how the tail section is made. It’s a beast LOL - for comparison the AHI is about 12.2oz and it likes a stiff breeze… so there’s that… need a better slope to have fun with this one. Which is a bummer. With all the weight it makes me believe this would be a good electric conversion….


Unloaded the Bonanza this afternoon and took a closer look at a few things.
As mentioned in the postman thread, you can see how the builder glassed in the ABS ”cockpit”, and made the cowling almost seamless. Attachment is via four hidden screws.

Flying weight is supposedly 11-13 lbs, but that may be with iron-on covering, not glass.

Need to put this one aside for now, finish the Christen Eagle, and then get back to it.


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