Motivation, I don't need no stinkin' coffee for motivation. I got all I needed yesterday at the flying field. Three flights on my Kaos. . . . .

Came home yesterday afternoon, went through everything I had to do and prioritized them as follows
1. Put NIB pumped G60 blue head in my Mach 1 - no Chris, it isn't a Mustang, sorry. . . . . .

2. Put new struts in my Dalotel - yeah I know, another slimer.
3. Put new engine mount in my Saturn - last slimer, I promise.
4. Build my AMR Stick.
5. Restore my Lanier Laser
Don't fret too much fella's, the three Slimers are one or two nights work each, at the most. I won't post pics of my first three, because they are not considered giant scale, even though the Saturn is close. Building the AMR Stick is going to take the most time of the five. There hasn't been a build thread on the AMR Stick on GSN, but I haven't made up my mind whether or not I'm going to do one. I don't want it to end up like my Laser thread. I'm hoping everything on the list will be done before the end of flying season because I really want to build my Carden this winter. The only thing that's going to slow me down is that nasty four letter word that starts with a "W" and ends with a "K".