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The 'What did you do in your workshop tonight?' thread

Decal Dennis

Printed loads of decals



640cc Uber Pimp
I planned on doing more cleaning in my workshop last night, but by the time I got home from work I was just too tired to deal with it. I started my morning at work spending 2 1/2 hours on the phone with Allstate and Safelite glass trying to get a windshield replaced in a customers car that got hailed on. It was on the adjusters estimate, but not priced out, and since I'm not an Allstate "Good Hands" shop I got the runaround like you wouldn't believe. After several calls and faxes and more calls I finally ended up on a 4 way conference call with an Allstate adjuster, the car owner, Safelite glass and myself. I think if I had a recording of that call I could use it as a comedy skit. By the time they added the fourth person to the call you could barely here anyone. Safelite couldn't hear me, so the customer had to relay everything I said. After I got the taken care of I needed a stiff drink, but I still had the rest of the day to go and then stayed late to paint a hood and roof.

Tonight I hope to actually do some workshop cleaning.
I smells some shop time tonite. New RCGF 120 has been delivered, but I stuck at work for 4 hours longer. Then maybe I can change that pesky passenger side O2 sensor 9n the Mustang.


Nothing, nada, zilch.

Lets see.....kids are finishing school and getting ready to leave for the summer to my ex wife (not sure how I feel about that). I was doing landscaping and dropped a 20lb stone on my finger and blew it apart....3 stitches. Then I started to install my huge deck that I put on hold last year due to money and divorce issues......and I put my electric drill with a phillip bit in it through my other hand (finger). Probably should have had stitches there as well.

So I'm gimpy on both hands and I still have a long road on the deck. I got posts/beams in and am working on the 12ft joists. U shaped deck to fit against my screened in porch that is currently there. It will be 18x24 on one side with a 6x13 walkway to the otherside that is going to be 10x24 and a spot for a future hotub.

There will be a party when its done......come on down to Ohio

And I still have to finish my Viper, fix my 1/3 Cub covering, build my electric foam A10 with retracts and build a new foam F-16 ducted fan. And don't get me started on I have not touched my FW190D9 in 6yrs


640cc Uber Pimp
Nothing, nada, zilch.

Lets see.....kids are finishing school and getting ready to leave for the summer to my ex wife (not sure how I feel about that). I was doing landscaping and dropped a 20lb stone on my finger and blew it apart....3 stitches. Then I started to install my huge deck that I put on hold last year due to money and divorce issues......and I put my electric drill with a phillip bit in it through my other hand (finger). Probably should have had stitches there as well.

So I'm gimpy on both hands and I still have a long road on the deck. I got posts/beams in and am working on the 12ft joists. U shaped deck to fit against my screened in porch that is currently there. It will be 18x24 on one side with a 6x13 walkway to the otherside that is going to be 10x24 and a spot for a future hotub.

There will be a party when its done......come on down to Ohio

And I still have to finish my Viper, fix my 1/3 Cub covering, build my electric foam A10 with retracts and build a new foam F-16 ducted fan. And don't get me started on I have not touched my FW190D9 in 6yrs
Ouch! At least my painful day was just from dealing with idiots not actual pain.;)



I know the feeling on sticking the Phillips head driver on the drill into my finger. Done if a many of times. Started working on the covering for the next slab in the line up to be covered. Angled checkers are a royal PIA to get everything lined up right but man the results are worth it. Also got the parts cut for the top of one wing half. This should look awesome when done.


640cc Uber Pimp
I smells some shop time tonite. New RCGF 120 has been delivered, but I stuck at work for 4 hours longer. Then maybe I can change that pesky passenger side O2 sensor 9n the Mustang.
I'm interested to see how these RCGF 120's work out. I need a 120 for a "Budget" project down the road and the price is certainly right. I've seen the smaller ones, but never in the hands of someone that has a clue about gassers. It will be interesting to see how they do when the guy tuning it isn't a needle tweeking moron.