Damn I'm hungry
I did a little tank and fuse plumbing tonight. I really had hoped to get more accomplished. But if I get at least one task done per night, I can still make the weekend maiden with time to spare. A little red sneaky snake skin on the ole yellow Tygon go-go juice tubing.
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And of course, Smart Fly Power Expander Pro pre-wiring.
View attachment 95242
Tomorrow I plan to swap out all the servo arms for my normal double lock aluminum arms. They are a bit longer than the aluminum arms it came with. Why? Because I want as much "Beating Throw" as I can get on those surfaces. I really don't have much to do after that. Install the gas pedal servo, loom the snake skin on the harnesses, set the throws, install the flight packs and button her up. Got three more days to get her flight ready before the weekend. I think I can make it.
Where did you get your hands on a v2 Pilot Edge Rob? I DO want another 87"