I like 'em "BIG"!
Along with the tire replacement on the White Rose wheels, I have also been working quite a bit on the SD Baby Yak-ster. What a really cool plane. I am really going to enjoy this plane I am sure. As it stands, I have the plane basically wired and most of the controls set up and tuned. I had to cut the firewall back to accommodate the installation of the BE 62 single. I had planned to sell the BE, however with the way the engine line has dissipated since I did my review of them, I wanted to make sure it was going to be a worthy engine. I mean, I can stand the issues or possible loss due to a bad engine. I would feel absolutely terrible to send it off to someone and have it total someone elses plane. Besides, if it runs good, then fine. Off it will come and a "dub" will go in its place. If it runs poorly....Off it will come and a "dub" will go in its place. LOL
Anyway, I am pretty much ready to finalize the electronics inside the plane. Not a lot of room to work with like my "BIG" birds, but hey... I can do this. I also had to replace the 1/4 sized spark plug boot on the new ignition module I had in stock. I ordered a CM-6 plug boot and replaced it. Along with a new Hall sensor and the BE sparked to life.
A few photos from the past weeks of working on the Baby Yak.

I still have plenty to do on the Yak, but I am making slow but steady progress. I need to remember to put some protective collars around the fuel tubing where it goes through the canister floor. Last thing I want is a hole rubbed in the line from vibration causing "chaffing" on the lines.
The weather here has been absolutely nothing short of perfectly gorgeous. No wind, clear blues skies and a mid-day high in the middle to upper 60's. Tomorrows forecast is a Memorex copy of the last four days. The Pilot Edge is all charged up and ready to go. So my son and I plan to make it an "Edgy" kind of flying day tomorrow. Though my 106cs powered Pilot Edge will not out class his 222 four cylinder beasty PAU Edge, It will still be a fun day. So probably no work on the Baby Yak for a few days. I plan to go flying tomorrow. YES!!!
Anyway, I am pretty much ready to finalize the electronics inside the plane. Not a lot of room to work with like my "BIG" birds, but hey... I can do this. I also had to replace the 1/4 sized spark plug boot on the new ignition module I had in stock. I ordered a CM-6 plug boot and replaced it. Along with a new Hall sensor and the BE sparked to life.
A few photos from the past weeks of working on the Baby Yak.

I still have plenty to do on the Yak, but I am making slow but steady progress. I need to remember to put some protective collars around the fuel tubing where it goes through the canister floor. Last thing I want is a hole rubbed in the line from vibration causing "chaffing" on the lines.
The weather here has been absolutely nothing short of perfectly gorgeous. No wind, clear blues skies and a mid-day high in the middle to upper 60's. Tomorrows forecast is a Memorex copy of the last four days. The Pilot Edge is all charged up and ready to go. So my son and I plan to make it an "Edgy" kind of flying day tomorrow. Though my 106cs powered Pilot Edge will not out class his 222 four cylinder beasty PAU Edge, It will still be a fun day. So probably no work on the Baby Yak for a few days. I plan to go flying tomorrow. YES!!!