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The 'What did you do in your workshop tonight?' thread


Staff member
Still no workshop time for me tonight.:cryin:
All that damn grass we cut yesterday had to be swept and bagged. Finished up after dark.
Hopefully tomorrow night I can get a little shop time.


Built a scarf joint miter box for sheeting and spars for an up coming project.


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All stuffed and ready for a maiden. Weighs 43oz with the 4S 2200mah setup and balances slightly nose heavy. Weighs 39oz on the 3S 2200mah setup and seems to be pretty neutrally balanced. Should be fun.

Also had to get my fleet cleaned up and prepped for the probro fly in this Saturday my club is hosting. Can't promise the mojo40 in the back right will survive the day. It's on its last leg.


Staff member
View attachment 31917
All stuffed and ready for a maiden. Weighs 43oz with the 4S 2200mah setup and balances slightly nose heavy. Weighs 39oz on the 3S 2200mah setup and seems to be pretty neutrally balanced. Should be fun.
View attachment 31918
Also had to get my fleet cleaned up and prepped for the probro fly in this Saturday my club is hosting. Can't promise the mojo40 in the back right will survive the day. It's on its last leg.
Nice looking collection of slabs Chris.:way_to_go:


Bored at the house today, Played around with some servo programing I had some arms to change out any way on an 89 slick, Amazing how quick this was to learn and I can now add smoke to a 50cc running a 7ch Rx with a smart fly plus perfect even throw with no sub trim I think I like this.