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The 'What did you do in your workshop tonight?' thread


Defender of the Noob!
ok, thanks guys. i'm just in the shop now removing the plywood doublers just ahead of the wing tubes. also cut some 3/8" balsa stock.

that ought to be the last of it and then it'll start going back together. need to order some triangular stock this evening and maybe the front will be done middle of next week. heading to the Cumberland Aero-Tow meet Friday night and maybe a trip for work right after that.


"Cool Guy"
Finished up a small project last Sat. with the help of @emtp275 and more importantly props to the SUPERVISOR @mulehead1969 , Took bout 2 1/2 hours, would of been less time, but 2 idiots had me flipping carb 1/2 dozen times. The maiden happen last Sun., and she flew well with the dle 20, lands much slower now at least. It's not as fast as the rimfire .80, but double the flight time, and the owner is SUPER happy, so much so, he wants to convert a .60 Stick to gas.


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Looks like it has plenty of power.:way_to_go:

It lacks a little but not much. A 4S setup with a 12x6 prop would probably be ballistic power but that will make the plane even more nose heavy. I'm ordering a couple nice wood props of the same pitch I have now and one of a little more pitch to try out. Wood will do a couple things though take some weight off the nose and help the motor spool up faster. If you watch towards the end when I pulled into a hover and then punched it to pull out once it got moving she hauled ass but it was lacking that little bit of low end grunt it needs. Prolly stepping up from the 920KV motor to a 1100KV one would solve the problem as well.


640cc Uber Pimp
My Trex 550 side frames finally showed up yesterday, and last night I had a little time so I started putting it back together. I could have it all back together for this weekend, but it's supposed to be pushing 100 so I'm in no hurry.


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Staff member
I made a little more progress on the Grasshopper last night. Got the aileron servos/linkage finished up. Went to install the tail servos and I was short two E/Z Connectors. Lucky for me I own a hobby shop so I re-supplied as soon as I got to work this morning.:)

Too hot to do anything outside, so if I have any free time at all I'll be in the workshop. With a little luck, I'll wrap up this project this weekend.