I like 'em "BIG"!
Thank you. But that is not all of them. I still have a Red Bull Edge still in the box. I think I might build it. Also have the big 330 in the covering stage. Dang, that bird is nearly as big as my Behemoth Yak. LOL....Oh and my little Twisted Hobbies gasserized trainer....umm....too many planes. LOLThat is one hell of a collection you must be proud of that. If I may ask of all the planes you have there if we’re only allowed to keep one which one would it be and why.
If I could only keep one? Which one would it be? I can not pick just one. Baby (260) has been my "go to" plane for so long. She is predictable, she is gentle, she is agile and graceful and can huck with all the best 'frames these days. The Sukhoi is an absolute precision machine. Straightest lines ever seen. And a true power house. The Pilot Edge is wicked fun. The SD Baby Yak is just a kick in the pants to fly. The Behemoth Yak is...well it is four red cylinders of total bad ass pleasure. Also graceful and gentle. Agile and extremely capable of doing the best of hucking. How can you pick just one? Ugh.... Please, don't ask me to.

If I could only keep just one, It would be the Behemoth Yak.