Damn I'm hungry
Echo 225 is a great trimmer. I bought one seven years ago and it has ran like a champ. I put stabil in all my fuel and at the end of the season I don’t even run the trimmer empty. I just hang on the wall and wait till the next season. Even after sitting it’s just like every other start. Prime the carb, turn switch on, choke on, third pull it fires right up, let it warm up for about 30 seconds then go reek havoc on the weeds.
Just got finished with the Echo......It fired off on the first pull (choke on) and started on the first pull. Of the three trimmers I serviced the Sthil took a few more pulls to get going. All three trimers had kill switch issues (loose or broken wires), rock hard plumbing, fouled plugs and leaky or broken carbs. The owner (of all three) is happy now