Last night I pulled the Hangar 9 Extra apart to see what's damaged. I discovered something kind of interesting. The aluminum spinner backplate is broken, and not from the trip into the beans. It's cracked at the outside edge of the engine prop hub and was pushed back far enough to rub a big gouge in the cowl. I had killed the engine right after the spinner cone came off so the crack was there before it went in the beans.
I did check and found out I already have the wheel pant I need. Last time I broke the right one and bought a set, so the original left one is still good and sitting on my shelf. The lower cowl is cracked and needs some work, and the top half is cracked in three spots. One gear cuff is damaged, the landing gear is bent, and so is one axle.
It's not too bad, I only need to paint one color, the black metallic, and only need to buy a prop, spinner, and a set of axles. I'm thinking about a No Limitz fiberglass spinner so I can paint it to match the black metallic on the cowl.