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The 'What did you do in your workshop tonight?' thread


640cc Uber Pimp
My primary engine for years was my 3W-106, choked, it will pop in 4 or 5 flips, then 3-5 flips and it's running. Not always but generally. My new DA120 seems to need 10 or more flips under choke and a similar number to start. Don't know why but it appears the DA needs more. Either engine though is very reliable.
Of the two engines which has more power.


640cc Uber Pimp
If I look in bottom left hand corner of the picture there is box that looks familiar???
Maybe that's because you just might have use to own it... But I do now, thanks!!!
The other gear leg is done and both have a second coat of primer.


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Damn I'm hungry
Spent the afternoon helping my buddy get his P-47 ready for Maiden. Did a bit of programming the radio and final tweek's on the air system and adjustments. Looking really good for an inexpensive ARF. Retracts have no problem pulling up the heavier scale aluminum wheels. Lots of RC goodies get shoved in to these warbird machines and real-estate starts getting expensively small for a bird even this size. 10 pounds :steamer: in a 5 pound bag...….:pink_epic:

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I like 'em "BIG"!
Looks like I'm not the only one that worked on a warbird today. I finally got around to getting the retract servos in Marie. I had forgotten how confusing this setup can be. First you have to account for the 180 degree rotation of the Hitec HS75BB retract servos. Then you have to figure out the "timing" on the throw of the actuation rods for the retracts. Then the wiring. Wow, the wiring is a nightmare. But, with the help of my handy dandy little schematic I picked up years ago, it made it all so much more clear as mud. LOL. Actually the wiring went pretty well. And now happy to say everything works perfectly. I have the rx. battery going into a "Y" harness. Which is then plugged into the receiver. The other female end of that "Y" feeds the power for the RC Excel Opto kill switch. Easy enough right? Because the "signal" for the ignition comes from it's own dedicated plug straight off the rx. operated by channel 9. (Ignition) Channel 8 will send "signal and negative polarity only" for the retracts. I will be using three power switches. One for the rx., (which will have it's own dedicated Life 6.6 battery), a second for the ignition and a third to supply battery voltage for the retracts. The retracts will share battery voltage from a second 6.6 volt Life battery that will also feed the direct power for the ignition. I even checked battery voltage to the ignition module "while" operating the retracts. I was afraid I would have a "draw" of battery voltage from the retracts that would affect the ignition voltage supply. Nope.... I lose .10 volts when the retracts are in full operation, up or down. Bringing the full battery voltage down from 6.6 to 6.5. Once the gear are cycled up or down, battery voltage returns to its original capacity. Now all of this seems a bit confusing now. Just wait till you see the wiring. And believe it or not, this system is completely 100% flawlessly perfect in operation. This is basically how I had Marie set up when I last owned her and flew her. However I have since modified the system a bit and eliminated one needless battery. i.e., one for rec., one for ignition and one for retracts. I really seen no need of three batteries. I could have easily gotten by with just one battery. However I want "ZERO" chance of an overloaded and depleted rx. battery should the mechanical retracts bind for some reason. Yeah, like that never happens right? Anyway, I chose the two lighter weight Life batteries over my original three "HEAVY" NiHd batteries of years ago. Now all I have to do is wait until my son builds my custom harnesses from the TDRC multiplex hardware. Then stuff all this wiring into a neat little bundle inside the fuse.

A few photos of the spaghetti wiring and retract setup for Marie.

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I sure hope the fuel tank, fuel dot and spinner get here soon. Right now, we have pretty good weather. Good enough for a couple of maiden flights. But I know it won't last too much longer. My hope is to get this girl up for a few sorties before old man winter dumps snow on my runway.
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Damn I'm hungry
Looks like I'm not the only one that worked on a warbird today.

Yep :). We got our Giant Scale / Warbird fly-in next weekend in Mobile. Was hoping to get a Maiden in this weekend (weather was gorgeously perfect) but still had to much to do getting everything right as rain o_O. Hope to have its wheels up by Thursday before event.
Was going to try and get my Cub ready for the event but "No Joy" there. I need to put a DLE 35ra on it and don't have one yet.


640cc Uber Pimp
Following the two of you building war birds again brings back some old memories. How true it was always a battle getting everything into the plane there was never a concern is neat but can I get it all in and will nothing rub or get pinched.


640cc Uber Pimp
Went and ordered the metal top this morning, it will be ready for pick up tomorrow morning. I also sprayed the first color on the gear, tomorrow I can tape it off and shoot the next, then some pin striping and it will be done. Sooo need all of this Eagle's parts out of the way. Soon though, soon....


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