640cc Uber Pimp
Got my new Multiplex FunRay all programmed up last night. I did some initial flying on Saturday with it setup like a conventional airplane, but gliders need more specific programming to take advantage of lift conditions out on the slope. So I programmed in my thermal and speed settings, as well as full length ailerons, and landing mixes last night. Can't wait to get it back out on the slope on a good day and see what it can really do
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Programming gliders for thermals does intrigue me. I really need to get my butt in gear and finish my DLG and start learning about hunting thermals and understanding how the glider reacts to the rising air. Id be afraid of loosing a sloper of a mountain here. immanent death if you try to retrieve it anywhere but from where you started. My best judgement for rising air is watching all the bald eagles with their wings level circle up up up up up. Looks like fun if I were an eagle.