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The 'What did you do in your workshop tonight?' thread


Did you decide yet what you're going to put them on?
One will make it onto my stix50 fat wing profile kit I have. The other I'm considering a balsa USA 1/4 scale cub for but lacking funds to pursue that one at the moment. I have a stix50 and Stix60 profile kit that one will be my next build just unsure of which at the moment. The 50 will get the 4 stroke and the 60 will get my dle 20. I have all the goodies except for a power switch to stuff either one just gotta decide which to build.


Staff member
One will make it onto my stix50 fat wing profile kit I have. The other I'm considering a balsa USA 1/4 scale cub for but lacking funds to pursue that one at the moment. I have a stix50 and Stix60 profile kit that one will be my next build just unsure of which at the moment. The 50 will get the 4 stroke and the 60 will get my dle 20. I have all the goodies except for a power switch to stuff either one just gotta decide which to build.

You might be able to find a good used 1/4 scale Cub somewhere. Seems like everyone owned at least one of those back in their glow days.


Staff member
I did a lot of little things in the shop today. Started off personalizing my new-to-me JR 11X. Put on a screen saver, counter balance and added 3 layers of shrink tube to the sticks. I also ordered some red switch nuts but they won't be here till tomorrow.