Thank You all!
My 3d skills are in the basement now and I'm ready to level up! I want to be able to lock in hover and not chase it all the time like I do now. I can only hover for 5-10 secs before I get too far behind on my driving.

My field is an hour away and I can't get there to fly my 59 Slick like I need to, and even when I can I'm afraid to do too much with it, but I'll be able to throw this one up in the yard every day without fear of dumb thumbing it.
Now... where is that brown truck?

Btw, I am running Realflight G4.5 now, is it worth the extra money to upgrade to G6.5? I know there is a TH Crack Yak in there and all the online sessions are on it. I also have Phoenix that my wife bought me for Christmas, but I find myself flying RF as often or more than I do Phoenix.