By some miracle I managed to get it back to the runway. It was flying about as far out as I go, I had the failsafe set for a slow left hand turn with the stabilizer set to switch to 2d (self leveling) mode just about idle. I did about 4 turns slowing descending and was just about ready to go behind trees when I got control back and headed towards the runway, had it lined up on the centerline about 6 ' up, I lost control again when I suspect the engine got between the radio and the antennas. Was flying a FrSky RX8R with a X8R as redundant receiver. I realized it was still in range test mode as I walked out to gather the wreckage on the runway. I'm pretty sure if the failsafe was set to hold it would have just flown away. Took all the parts off that I could possibly use again the rest is in two contractor bags ready for the curb on Thursday night, will be a distant memory on Friday morning.
Brought home "Best Scale Piper Cub" award from "Wings Over Piper" fun fly back in 2015,this is at the Piper Museum in Lock Haven PA. There were many Cubs there I think the judges just liked it so much. I always flew in scale like manner, long take offs, long roll outs, big patterns. I was flying a demo at the Jimmy Steward airshow in Indiana PA one year and one of safety guys was wondering what the full scale plane was doing in the pattern because the field was closed during the 20 minutes the club had. He came over after talked with me after I landed. I modeled the plane from photos on, the full scale photos were taken at the Alliance Airport in Alliance OH, the Alliance Balsa Bees share the runway, owner of the airport also owns the Cherokee I modeled. At their fun fly one year he see the plane and took me over to the hanger to show me the full scale then drove me around town and showed me all the sites. It was a great plane but I was getting tired of it but could never part with it. So I don't feel so bad after all, I hope the next is as good.