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What beer ya drinking tonight?


Yep that's a good one Mike! Thick as mud. Mikey like.:yesss:

It is thick with big complex flavors.... You know since I started drinking these crafted beers I have actually developed a taste for them where probably a year ago I would've thought they were nasty because the only beer I drank then was the watered down stuff. I really have grown to like the IPAs and the Stouts. The IPAs bitterness and the crispness is so refreshing while the Stouts seem to bring out more of the flavors with a subtle blandness.. They're both totally different unique beer types but yet I can't say I prefer one more over the other one. To me, the most unique beer of the bunch has to be Guinness with its own flavor and texture.... It's my common denominator of the beers to judge all others by.


Staff member
It is thick with big complex flavors.... You know since I started drinking these crafted beers I have actually developed a taste for them where probably a year ago I would've thought they were nasty because the only beer I drank then was the watered down stuff. I really have grown to like the IPAs and the Stouts. The IPAs bitterness and the crispness is so refreshing while the Stouts seem to bring out more of the flavors with a subtle blandness.. They're both totally different unique beer types but yet I can't say I prefer one more over the other one. To me, the most unique beer of the bunch has to be Guinness with its own flavor and texture.... It's my common denominator of the beers to judge all others by.

Life is good!


Staff member
Yes it is my friend life is real good...If only I can find that one beer that so intrigues me.. I guess it's good to have a particular beer that you can't get your hands on that is been described as the ultimate brew... Oh well, one of these days...


Where have all the beer Bohemians gone...too early I guess. Starting out with Sam Adams and finishing up with Old Rasputin..Not yet exactly sure whats in the middle. I know what I'd like to have that is brewed in Springfield..hint hint @pawnshopmike
Sorry I couldn't help, been on the DL for a couple days nursing a gout attack, no fun, and the booze don't help. I do read along though.