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What beer ya drinking tonight?

Guys I'm going to be back off the wagon soon, this gout is kicking my a....and the downtime at home with 2 toddlers and a wife is well....you know! Bonus, lots of time on the forums!

Decal Dennis


Working a little bit today printing some decals, but enjoying a beer or 2 while I'm at it.


Guys I'm going to be back off the wagon soon, this gout is kicking my a....and the downtime at home with 2 toddlers and a wife is well....you know! Bonus, lots of time on the forums!

Sorry to hear about your medical issues I hope you can get over them soon and get your life back to normal... As far as this thread goes you may have to put up with some silliness.... we tend to get that way if we get a few under the belt if you know what I mean...espically @pawnshopmike ....LOL