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Yippee! What the postman brought


I picked one of those up today at Home Depot and did not expect what I got. My last one was a rather cheapo, same as this, and expected the same. To my surprise it is pretty damn tight, even the laser is dead on. And I love the added light and table crank, made real quick work of drilling the prop. I'll use the light every time but don't see much sense in the laser, not for what I use it for.

NICE!! Your shop looks so much more neat and organized than mine!

HRRC Flyer

GSN Sponsor Tier 1
So this followed me home from the local big box store...sale price was too good to pass up.

View attachment 112652
Hey Wade,

Back when I was doing allot of woodworking, Porter Cable made some of the best power tools available. If they haven't had to cut back on quality to be competitive with the cheap stuff, that scroll saw will do anything you want or need to do. . . . . . :yesss:


640cc Uber Pimp
Not as exciting as above stuff but got two rolls of transparent Ultra coat. Tougher to work with but it is 60% lighter than regular Ultracote And I am really trying to keep the 20cc profile build as light as possible.



I like ultracote but still always default back to the hobbyking brand covering. Dirt cheap and goes on almost just like ultra.


640cc Uber Pimp
The Ultracote is not cheap $22.95 a roll. Hobby king stuff we have order through the States and then it becomes expensive.


Picked up a vintage kit today. Bill Winter’s Heron kitted by DSC. looks pretty neat and should be able to cut a lot of wieght going with modern electronics. Also included in the box was a roll of transparent red Solar Film. Never worked with the stuff before so should be interesting.


640cc Uber Pimp
I don’t know how the postal system works but all of a sudden I get a bunch of stuff and it was not all ordered at the same time who knows but I have it and can get on with it. Just spares, building materials and some connectors.


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