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Yippee! What the postman brought


640cc Uber Pimp
Starting a new build might as well get some updated, uh-hmm not so wore out they can't be read, measuring tools. Now if only I can find another set of the Mascot wood rasp, their website say's they still make them but I can't find a seller. These little rasp are worth there weight in gold hence mine being so worn they don't hardly cut anymore.


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640cc Uber Pimp
Nice gesture, but for what it is worth... I have decided to boycott Amazon. If ebay doesn't have what I am looking for then I will do without. I refuse to support the "WORMS" that are infesting our hobby and making it difficult for us to keep our airspace. Might as well start the movement somewhere right?
Not a bad thought but I don't blame them I blame the boobs in DC!
There is no reason for them to have stripped 336 other than what lines their own pocket. And there are other means of lining the pocket other than good ole green. Two very strong, extremely powerful, overwhelmingly rewarding words...…..Political favor! It can yield far more than a payment.


I like 'em "BIG"!
Not a bad thought but I don't blame them I blame the boobs in DC!
There is no reason for them to have stripped 336 other than what lines their own pocket. And there are other means of lining the pocket other than good ole green. Two very strong, extremely powerful, overwhelming word...…..Political favor can yield far more than a payment.
Except one thing to remember. It is Amazons "Financial" persuasion that the boobs in Washington are all falling over them selves to get a piece (their cut) of the pie.


640cc Uber Pimp
Wow what did I Do all I suggested was to look at Amazon for the rasps. Am I missing something.
You suggested going to a non-rc site! lol. I don't much like Amazon, eBay, or Walmart and buy as little from them as possible. I can't remember the last time I was in a Walmart, don't think I ever bought from Amazon, and do believe this rasp purchase is the first for eBay.