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Yippee! What the postman brought


Damn I'm hungry
I've done business with Chief, and for the most part had good luck, but it sucks that their website doesn't tell you if something is in stock or not.

They are starting to do it on some items like props and airframes but you don't know for sure. I had to call to find out they do not stock Pilot airframe parts anymore but the website lists parts for them.


I like 'em "BIG"!


I like 'em "BIG"!
So what up wit dis?
20180822_184948.jpg 20180822_185016.jpg
What the postman brought me today! Now if only I can find a cheeseburger stand with one of those coin operated cheeseburger ma-chines. I could buy a behemoth sized burger with 20 silver dollars. Only problem would be keeping it in tact as it shoots out the... 'livery chute.
Really not necessary Kelly. But tanks brau!


I like 'em "BIG"!
Gotz me some more props coming for the gasserized trainer. And a new sparkity spark spark plug. I really had fun with the little trainer this past Sunday. Kinda cool doing "stalled" harrier landings. Lol

Friday looks to be the day for the new radio purchase. I'll post photos when it arrives. I am really excited to have finally made a decision. My head don't hurt no mo! Lol