So many people ask why I don't build foamies, but I will fly them if other people built them.
Here is why.
Many years ago around 2006 I believe, I was building what was then a state of the art foamie. The Ultimate Biplane that Hobbico was distributing. It weighed like 4 lbs, but hey that's a long time ago. ANYWAY, I was in my basement shop hiding from my wife (now ex-wife
) working on the Ultimate. I was glueing on the top wing on to the fuse area and was glopping the foam safe CA on it and it would not stick, so I added more. I was wearing sweat pants, and I did not see the glue running down the fuse and pooling on my lap. I got fed up waiting for the CA to cure so I grabbed the old kicker and shot the plane a few times. The plane was finally glued, but at that exact moment I felt a burning hot sensation down around the old "area". Then it got HOTTER and worse and I jumped up yanking my sweatpants off as I realized that I had spilled glue on my lap. As the pants came down I realized that yes, indeed I had glued Lil Sleepy to my pants and I was not having a good day. At that very moment my wife (now ex-wife) came down the basement stairs and saw me standing there, foamie glued to my hand, pants glued to.. well ME, with my pants down around my ankles... she just turned around and walked out without saying a word.
1) ALWAYS keep a bottle of debonder.. it saved my life
2) I hate foamies. I'll flyer but I will not build them!

Here is why.
Many years ago around 2006 I believe, I was building what was then a state of the art foamie. The Ultimate Biplane that Hobbico was distributing. It weighed like 4 lbs, but hey that's a long time ago. ANYWAY, I was in my basement shop hiding from my wife (now ex-wife
1) ALWAYS keep a bottle of debonder.. it saved my life
2) I hate foamies. I'll flyer but I will not build them!