Back to it last night. Wind was blowing and the air temps were plummeting so I didn't get much done.
The carb hole is all cleaned up. The miracle dremel drums make quick work of polishing the imperfections.
Since the carb is inside of the motor box, the only way to access the fuel line is to cut another hole on the bottom side for the fuel inlet access. There's probably some scientific method to accurately find the exact location that you will need to cut, but I used the tried and true TLAR (That Looks About Right) method. As it turns out I was off by about half an inch, so I had to elongate the hole slightly..
Just more weight savings
Trying to swing by a hardware store today at some point since I need some hardwares to mount the motor how I like to mount it. My bonded washer assortment also came in so I can at least get the gear cuffs and wheel pants mounted up. There's not much that I'll be able to do after this, aside from mounting engine servos and installing control horns, it's going to be a long wait for the servos I want.