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The 'What did you do in your workshop tonight?' thread


Well I didn't really do anything.......but I got my RTL/MCMaster Carr/PSPmfg packages for the Viper so I can bling it up a little and install the engine.

Also got a call from AI. Seems both my engines are in outstanding condition internally (running 40:1 Redline). He joked one didn't even look broke in. My hubs and gaskets on one engine where shot. seems the magnets were not put in right the sensor isn't working right and the timing was off. Probably why its always been a pain to start (Sh$t happens when you buy used engines sometimes). So he promised a good tune up on that one and I'm putting the alum reed block on the other engine since its apart... He's saying they both will be back by Wed/Thurs and not going to hurt the wallet to bad.