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PAU Owners Thread


70cc twin V2
Thanks. I didn't even think about RTL Fasteners.
I'll poke around tomorrow and see what I can come up with. There's a place not too far away that only sells nuts and bolts. I'll run by there and take the broken one.


70cc twin V2
Phil they are 4mm by 80mm long. I broke one the other day as well. I also bent the end on one of the linkages.
Thanks for the information J. I ended up doing a Google search, and found some likely sources. I think I'll probably just order off the net. I'll need some spares. Next time one breaks I'll be out of commission if I don't. At least it's a quick fix.


70cc twin V2
I did a wide open rolling split s...noticed my trim and roll rate was way off when i exited and landed to find that. I should have taken a picture of the other servo on that wing, i thought it broke the ball link but it actually bent the tip of the linkage inside the ball link. My servo pockets also came loose the day before that in the other wing...im finding that in my quest to fly like the pros is extremely hard on the air frame...lol


70cc twin V2
I noticed both were on the ailerons, is it possible servos weren't perfectly matched adding stress to the bolt?


70cc twin V2
Had I done my own matching, I'd say it might be a possibility. Colton Clark did the set up in this plane. They're matched very well.