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  1. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    I've got 3 folks coming out for quotes. I'm about 2 weeks from being ready for it. So I got time.
  2. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    Insulation is where my monies going. Sad to say
  3. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    Nope..she hates shoes.
  4. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    My daughter looks like she is helping....but looks are deceiving.
  5. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    I have to thank my wife. Even with how much crap she gives me for flying RC, she is 100% for me having a shop. So much so, while I was at work I asked her to simply dig a line in the last 5 feet that collapsed so I had a line to follow. I came home looking at 3+hrs of digging. Well she had...
  6. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    I'll take some pictures tonight of the carnage of trenching. First over the phone quote to put Spray foam in.....$5k! Ouch, I was hoping to be closer to 2-3 since it was only $1600 to have the bldg. company put in normal insulation at build time. But the roof needs foam. Lots of openings...
  7. sweetpea

    WIN (5) MKS HV777 Servos!! FIND OUT HOW!

    cool...could use some servos for a new PAU VIPER!
  8. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    Note to anyone..... Spend the money on the tractor trencher not the walk behind. The walker has a wheel base so short if you have to go back over an area you end up with one wheel higher because its on the excavated dirt side so it forces the unit to drive at an angle. And puts your tires into...
  9. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    Now I have to shovel that area as the trencher won't work because the ground is screwed up
  10. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    Using a ditch witch when your ground is moist down past 25 inches sucks!!!!! It didn't work real well. I have one area about 5 feet that all fell in because the trencher got so stuck I had to get chains and pull it out with my truck.
  11. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    My front yard is for that. I've got at least 1/2 acre there for that and I can go another 1 acre to the side over my neighbors front yards. They won't care as we are in the country....as long as I stay away from homes/cars.
  12. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    Oh my wife wasn't happy about the dogs and soon to be chickens losing yard space, but she wanted me out of the garage.
  13. sweetpea

    Brand New PAU........Viper-ST Announced!!!!!!!!

    Nice vids and performance. I'm liking the plane, but the cowl needs a VIPER touch to it on the paint! I think the timing is gonna be perfect for me. You guys wring it out and get it all ready while I finish up my shop. Then I'll be able to put one together
  14. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    And can't forget.....my new gravel driveway slopes so its a pain for my gate. I'm working on that this week also....hoping a wheel might help or I may add some more gravel to bring up the level where its closed so the dogs can't get under it.
  15. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    I'll be ditch witching tonight for the electric. The guy shows up Wed to install (2nd contractor). Then my building will be signed off and its off to the races to get the remaining electric, insulation, ceiling, walls up so I can start setting up the shop. Oh, and move some dirt around the...
  16. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    Well its in! Tomorrow I dig the electric line. I still have some shoring up to do on outside perimeter of bldg with dirt. Have to fix my gate as well. Ground wasn't quite level so I'm fixing that.
  17. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    I think she did along with dog paw prints
  18. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    I'm outta town but the wife said concrete is down!
  19. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    Concrete tomorrow is weather dependant
  20. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    Well the concrete guy called and is dropping off all the gravel for the driveway/rv parking/inside ship today. He is planning to grade today and concrete tomorrow but it is supposed to rain and his supplier only runs concrete if multiple orders go out on the same day. I'm going turkey hunting...