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Search results

  1. garlandk

    Is this FPV?

    Had some fun yesterday flying. :)
  2. garlandk

    Sport VTOL Aircraft Project

    Since I work with a company that specializes in Hybrid Quadcopters I decided to try to build my own VTOL aircraft. My company has been VERY successful with this technology. First I am going to try on my current UAV plane. It would be cool to see this on an aerobatic 35 or 50cc plane! This will...
  3. garlandk

    1,000,000 Grand Prize Quad Race

    http://m.khaleejtimes.com/nation/dubai/dubai-to-host-world-drone-prix Who is going to give up gas planes for this..... Lol
  4. garlandk

    Hobby Day at Barnes and Noble

    Barnes and Noble contacted me to support their local hobby day. Of course I said yes. Everyone really enjoyed it. Trying my best to inform the public how cool these things are and don't listen to what the media has to say!
  5. garlandk

    Maiden Jet Crash

    Ouch! Saw this today at the field.
  6. garlandk

    Auto Landings w/ Fixed Wing

    Is it bad that this thing can almost land as good as I can......
  7. garlandk

    New Fly Zone Extra 300SX

    This should be a fun plane to fly on your typical 3 cell packs! http://www3.towerhobbies.com/cgi-bin/wti0001p?&I=LXFBLM&P=ML
  8. garlandk

    Mad Aerobatics

    Today I finally went up flying with Mark Leseburg and I had a blast! My girlfriend also went up and she really enjoyed it! I have got to say if you are in the area give Mark a call and take this chance to fly an Extra. It is worth it! To me flying an full scale Extra is almost like flying a...
  9. garlandk

    SOLD! Smart-Fly Power Expander Micro-14F

    I have for sale a smart-fly power expander micro-14F. Still in great condition with dean connectors. $100
  10. garlandk

    OMP Yak55M 60" Assembly

    Here it is the production model Yak 55M 60" Electric plane from OMP. This is the blue and white scheme to replace my yellow and black prototype model. Here are photos of the weight of each part. Hope to get started on her this week if work allows me to! Enjoy!
  11. garlandk

    Slowest Comp-ARF P-51 Build Thread

    I picked up this P51 very cheap from a friend and as the title says this will be the slowest P51 build :). Hopefully one day I will finish her.
  12. garlandk

    10.8 Hour Flight Time Lapse

    Figure I would share this 10.8 hour flight I did the other day in a 182. We did stop for two quick fuel stops. It was a lot of fun!
  13. garlandk

    OMP 70" Fusion has ARRIVED!

    The new 70" OMP Fusion has finally arrived to OMP. As everyone knows the OMP Fusion is one of the best Profile ARFs out there that perform both Precision and 3D Aerobatics. In fact I usually use this plane to practice IMAC sequences with before I jump to my 40% Aircraft. Below are photos taken...
  14. garlandk

    For Sale Fromeco Regulator

    I have two Fromeco Regulators for sale. One end is cut off but the other end is standard RX connection. $25 for one or $45 for both
  15. garlandk

    Drone Nationals $25,000 Purse

    http://dronenationals.com I know there have been some high class R/C events with big cash prizes, but you just don't see them anymore like the TOC...Now you have quad copter racing with a 1st place prize of $10,000... But honestly anyone these days can fly a quad copter around FPV...It does...
  16. garlandk

    Trabuco RC Flyers Pig Roast & Fun Fly May 23rd-24th

    The 2015 Trabuco Flyers club fun fly is this weekend and I will be there taking lots of photos covering the event. I have been to this fun fly the past two years and it is amazing! Flying field is small, but makes for some interesting flying! If you don't have a show to come to this memorial...
  17. garlandk

    New Fusion and Yak 55M UPDATE!!!

    Guys we have had a hard time getting these planes to us, but it looks like they will finally be at OMP around June 12th! Get your pre-orders in today at www.ohiomodelplanes.com or see us at Joe Nall on vendor row! New video of the Yak 55M
  18. garlandk

    Plane Restraint

    What are you guys using to hold your plane back while starting? I know if there is someone at the field that is my very first option, but lately the field has been empty with the weather warming up in AZ. I was thinking about doing what I did back at my other club I belong to and that was put...
  19. garlandk

    OMP Yak 55M 60" Video

    Here is a video of the latest prototype form OMP!
  20. garlandk

    Cool UAV Project! Share Yours!

    In my spare time lately I have been messing with an UAV/FPV project of mine after I fly UAVs at work for 10 hours a day....Yea there is something wrong with me....but I do love my job and love messing with this stuff. To start out I have zero interest in seeing how far away from me I can go... I...