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Hang in there Cullen, you've got your priorities straight - school is more important...you can fly RC later, you don't get a second chance at school.
Check in when you can.


70cc twin V2
Hey guys I've got a minute until the bus comes. I see what you guys mean by the 59 slick being different. I watched jesky's video and it has a straighter leading edge and trailing edge. The wings are more rectangular.


Hey guys just a heads-up. I'm going to be gone awhile to focus more on school and family stuff. I find myself doodling planes in class and my grades are heading downward so I need to refocus on my higher priorities. I may fly every now and then but not so much. Sadly my crack yak died today. It went in a high up tree and when I went to climb the tree to get it down, a falling stick bumped my throttle to full. The plane shot out of the tree, ripping the rudder clean off, snapping the pushrod, and stripping the servo. Then it went smack into the wire fence around my mom's garden, and it ripped the whole left wing off. Not beyond unrepairable, I know, but I don't have the cash to order the parts I need to fix it. So that's done for a while. Anyways.....I first got into rc to relieve stress from family and school issues but 3D is not helping that at all. It doesnt help to be constantly fixing something when you just want to fly. So, I'm sorry to say I won't be doing 3D for a while. Ill be back when I'm in a better spot in life. For now its gliders for me so I can relax and enjoy flying. Ill see you guys soon hopefully and ill be on when I can.


Dude don't let the forums make you feel like you have to stay caught up to what everybody is saying (I am not saying that is what you do) because that's how i felt and it was getting stressful trying to keep up with them, then I freaked out like a little 4 year old on Tom and got off the forums (sorry Tom:eek:), now I will just stop in every 1-3 weeks and I only get on the THB thread and these two off topic threads and I haven't been back on rcg since a few weeks ago.

Oh and I do still plan on attending some local 3dhs FLI events next summer.


70cc twin V2
Aerosky's New Extra 330sc... Look familiar:rolleyes:



70cc twin V2
Dude don't let the forums make you feel like you have to stay caught up to what everybody is saying (I am not saying that is what you do) because that's how i felt and it was getting stressful trying to keep up with them, then I freaked out like a little 4 year old on Tom and got off the forums (sorry Tom:eek:), now I will just stop in every 1-3 weeks and I only get on the THB thread and these two off topic threads and I haven't been back on rcg since a few weeks ago.

Oh and I do still plan on attending some local 3dhs FLI events next summer.

Sounds good :) anyways, I'm done with rcg after going on rctruth.....can you say corrupt?! Sheesh!


That's why I went with the Laser. I'm so tired of all the 4711 version of Edges and Extras that are more or less copies of eachother. Now I need EF to release a 60" Laser and a good bonus at work! :)