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Scale 50cc Scratch Build From My Own Design Revisited


640cc Uber Pimp
The hatch is sanded. I've also included a picture of the inside.


640cc Uber Pimp
On a build like this there are times when you can sit back and admire your work, like the hatch. But shortly after that you come back to the reality that you've got a lot left to do. One of those things left to do is the cowl. I haven't liked this cowl since I got it, and the more I look at it, the more I realize I need to make some modification to it if I'm going to make it work. And when you add in the fact that I miscalculated the distance from the firewall to the end of the cowl, that leaves even more to fix.

I'm going to need to space the cowl out a little and add a balsa filler around the front of the fuse. There is also a spot at the bottom of the cowl, that the shape doesn't quite match the fuse shape that I want to deal with. There are also some flaws in the shape from the mold.

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Is there any way you can put smaller standoffs on the motor so it doesn't stick out as far?
Looks killer by the way.


640cc Uber Pimp
Is there any way you can put smaller standoffs on the motor so it doesn't stick out as far?
Looks killer by the way.
I considered that earlier, but it would also push the tuned pipe back and cause all sorts of problems there. So, I'll space out the cowl and build a filler to make up the gap. It shouldn't be too difficult.


Gotcha makes since. Forgot that you had said you would be running a pipe on it. Carry on with the amazing work though.