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Assembly: Aeroworks QB 150cc Yak 55M

Joe Hunt

Thanks guys! Will try to get video of more of a variety of maneuvers, and with a higher quality camera, soon! :) I did do some rolling circles and snaps on that flight, but Ryan did best with the camera when I wasn't moving very fast. haha Side note, I really should try to get this CS broken in as first priority... this beotch is TIGHT... I can barely flip the prop to start it. :O haha

Joe Hunt

Have you had a chance to put this plane on a scale to see what it weigh's? Or did I miss it?

No, I haven't weighed any planes this year. I used to have a postage scale I had calibrated. It was a great reference because all the planes I built were weighed on it the same way. I might try just weighing this on the Jenny Craig bathroom scale we have. haha

I just moved the batteries back to help with the nose heavy condition:


Joe Hunt

Have you had a chance to put this plane on a scale to see what it weigh's? Or did I miss it?

Okay, on my bathroom scale the plane weighed 38.5lbs (setting it on the scale on the prop bolts with the spinner cone next to it). And, 39.5lbs when I weighed myself, then stepped on the scale holding the plane and subtracted the difference. Oh, either way that is with the 5cell Nicad pack still taped to the tailwheel. haha

I don't feel as good about the accuracy of those weights as I did with my calibrated postage scale. On the one hand I only have 9 servos (I had 17 on my first Votec :O) and no power management or extras added. On the other hand these are big planes, 38lbs was a nice weight on a 118" plane, at 122" I would think these planes weighed around 40 lbs.

Benson says the H9 Sukhoi's can come in around 37 lbs, so I guess this could be a true 38.5.lbs. But, I'm going with 39.5-40. They're F'n big. haha


GSN Sponsor Tier 1
The new designs and building technology is allowing for some very light and strong airframes. I remember when we hand built custom T.O.C. planes that weren’t much larger then todays 100cc size airframes and we did everything possible to get to that weight.

Joe Hunt

That's not to bad of a weight at all. But it is likely the lightest you can probably get it.

Well, there's that 5cell NiCad pack that can be removed from the tailwheel! haha

Also, I've got a 3W-170 on there, they are 1/2 to 3/4 lbs heavier than a DA-170. I wanted to know exactly and not trust the advertised weights, but I forgot to weigh the 3W. I'll weigh it eventually when I'm doing some maintenance someday.

So, take the NiCad off, switch to a DA, lose the Pilot, go to 22 gage extensions (just don't think I need these 20gage extensions with these low draw brushless servos), remove at least 2oz off the motor spacer, and you could get down another 1-1/2lbs or more... actually. ;)